Program Team Schedules Resources Activities Useful Links
Useful Links

Dynamic earth

  1. CEDD- The Geology of Hong Kong

  2. Hong Kong Geology - A 400-Million Year Journey (香港地質 : 四億年的旅程)

  3. Hong Kong Global GeoPark of China

  4. 土木工程拓展署, 土力工程處 - 香港斜坡安全

  5. 山水傳奇2016:第一集:誰令青山變改

Weather and climate

  1. Hong Kong Observatory

  2. 香港天文台-氣象冷知識

  3. Hong Kong Observatory – Typhoon information

  4. RTHK 氣象萬千4

  5. RTHK- 天人合一 (細水長流)

Tropical rainforest

  1. Tree and plant life in the jungle (video)

  2. How the fig tree strangles other plants for survival in the rainforest (video)

  3. Uncontacted Amazon Tribe: First ever aerial footage

  4. Food chain game

  5. How cattle ranching is destroying the Amazon rainforest

  6. 《RTHK - 獨木不成林》── 熱帶雨林

Global warming

  1. RTHK 天人合一《大地的恩澤》── 食物的生產與消費與環境的關係

  2. Six Degrees Could Change The World 1

  3. RTHK沉沒的國度 05:香港物種消失2012 6 24

  4. RTHK沉沒的國度04-荷蘭-末世漂浮屋-2012-6-17

  5. RTHK 沉沒的國度第一集:沉沒中的吉里巴斯 


  1. RTHK 天人合一 - 揮金如土》── 有毒金屬與電子廢物

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